My Top 5 Favorite Books on Women’s Leadership & Allies

My Top 5 Favorite Books on Women’s Leadership & Allies

Top books supporting women’s leadership and allies I am often asked, what books do you recommend for women’s leadership?  My answer, these five: Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Brene is the thought leader on empathy and vulnerability.  As a researcher on shame, she...
Taking My Daughter to Work and What I Hoped She Would Learn

Taking My Daughter to Work and What I Hoped She Would Learn

Today is “Take Your Kid to Work Day.”  A few days ago, I did just that. Some weeks are fiercer than others.  This week, I was a road warrior traveling to California for a speaking engagement, then red-eyeing home to a full calendar of client appointments...
Equal Pay Day:  Why it Matters and What You Can Do About It

Equal Pay Day: Why it Matters and What You Can Do About It

Equal Pay Day is in April In honor of Equal Pay Day, I am sharing what it is, why we all benefit from everyone being paid equally, and simple steps you can take to be a part of the solution vs. the problem. How did it get started? The day was originated by the...