Diverse Leadership Teams Perform Better

Diverse Leadership Teams Perform Better The Facts Leadership teams made up of individuals from diverse generations, cultures, communication styles, and genders, have better business results.  Teams with diverse perspectives, often shaped by different backgrounds,...

How Mentoring Improves Employee Engagement

The Facts Prioritizing the right people strategies is pivotal.  Organizations now more than ever have finite time and resources to invest in employee engagement, knowing how vital it is to grow.  When I work with organizations on people strategies, we often brainstorm...

How to Increase Your Chances of Career Success by 80%

The Facts In my primary and secondary research for Pivot Point, I learned that when you have a plan, your chances of achieving career success is 80% higher.  I scoured the country interviewing dozens of leaders in various industries, functional areas, and stages of...

Organizations that Invest in Managers, Win

Simply put, managers drive employee engagement, which drives business results. The Facts Being a leadership and career development enthusiast, I naturally find myself drawn to research and strategies to improve employee engagement.  I have seen first-hand that it...

Teams that Communicate=Win

“Build a tower, build a team” One of my favorite teambuilding exercises is the marshmallow challenge. For those of you that have not yet experienced it, it’s an exercise using a few tools – some string, tape, a marshmallow, and uncooked spaghetti – used to form the...