GROW Your Team

“Coach to success” As leaders, we often find ourselves in the middle of heated arguments between employees, or in the middle of the game of telephone on a communication misunderstanding.  You know the “he said, she said” game.  A client of mine, Liz, shared this all...

Smile Check

“Our body language affects our team” A leader shared a dialogue he had with a team member recently.  It went something like this. Team member:  “Woah – you must be mad” Leader:  “Why do you say that?” Team member:  “You have a scowl on your face.  Someone must have...

Make it a Dialogue

“I can be quiet longer than you” I had the privilege to work with an experienced leader and coach in a recent workshop.  Sharon had many years of coaching experience, and embraced me as a new coach to her team with open arms.  We affectionately called her “Yoda.”  I...
Proactively Addressing Conflict

Proactively Addressing Conflict

Inclusive leaders are calm, cool, and collected.  They proactively address conflict before it gets too big. Conflict management. Ugh. What a daunting, nebulous term. It certainly does not sound fun, or like something anyone in their right mind would want to do. By...
The Discipline Of Delegation

The Discipline Of Delegation

Inclusive leadership requires successful delegation.  Delegation requires trust and empoowerment.  Learn proven tools to delegate to empower others. “If I want something done right, I have to do it myself.” Sound familiar? I hear this all the time from managers....