How To Go Back To School Inclusively

Back to school is a great time to reset the tone for inclusive behavior

With diversity and inclusion issues dominating the news cycle, many parents, caregivers and educators are wondering how to create inclusive spaces and continue inclusive conversations with young people this back to school season. From the removal of AP African American Studies in some school districts, anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, book bans, drag queen performance restrictions to looming threats of gun violence in schools, young people are growing up in unprecendented times. They also are highly likely to support issues on inclusion.

In an interview with Ericka Young, board member of the Little Allies, a non-profit dedicated to facilitating inclusion for young people said, “when we learn about different types of people, abilities, household dynamics, etc. early, the conversation becomes a natural part of how we move through life. Many of us have waited to learn the language until we come face to face with injustice. Little Allies aims to educate anyone who invests in the lives of children so that we have dynamic, inclusive, and diverse spaces where our children can thrive long-term.”

If you care about issues of diversity and inclusion as many young people do, back to school time is a great way to reset the conversation about inclusion and create inclusive spaces for young people to be their best selves at home and in the classroom.

Consider these ideas to start an inclusive conversation with young people in your life:

Start with the why

Think about why diversity and inclusion are important to you and to the young people in your life. Is it because you experienced some adversity due to……

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At Next Pivot Point we have lots of resources to help you facilitate successful diversity and inclusion initiatives. Schedule some time with our team today to discuss where to start or how to do better. You can also check out: