Yes, COVID is a big change. COVID is likely one of the biggest changes we will experience in our lifetime. For me, as a professional speaker and trainer, this hit hard. I have experienced three months of client postponements, cancellations, lost sales and revenue. ...
Women at work run into barriers called micro-agressions. There are subtle, yet powerful signals that they do not belong. Learn how to curb them and overcome them as women leaders. Since writing ONE: How Male Allies Support Women for Gender Equality and Pivot Point: ...
Top books supporting women’s leadership and allies I am often asked, what books do you recommend for women’s leadership? My answer, these five: Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Brene is the thought leader on empathy and vulnerability. As a researcher on shame, she...
Mistakes to Avoid & Tips to Succeed It’s been nine months since #MeToo was sensationalized in the media, and where are we now? Companies are continuing to struggle with simply saying the words “me too.” Men are retreating from the conversation according to...
Emotional intelligence is critical for inclusive leaders Emotional intelligence is a muscle. We are not born with a finite amount of emotional awareness and flexibility; it is a learned behavior. For leaders today, this is a game changer. Leaders that have the...
We’re proud that we have a library of 25 interviews and “Pivot Point” podcast episodes. While season one is officially a wrap, we are busy cooking up season two. While we are preparing a brilliant new season of fresh content, we wanted to pause to celebrate success,...