Positive Affirmations that Work at Work

Positive Affirmations that Work at Work

Positive thinking separates successful people from non-successful people.  Learn proven strategies to be more positive and think more positively even during the most challenging times. “I am good enough.  I am smart enough, and dog gone it, people like me!” ...

How to Choose Words that Create Positive Impact

Our brain is listening to what we say That’s why it is critical that we choose the words that impact our brains positively.  Our dialogue – both internal and external – has a profound impact on what our brain subconsciously decides to take seriously.  When we say to...

How to Ask for What You Want

My college English composition teacher, Dr. Denny, was one of my favorite teachers of all time.  He was in his late 30’s, wore bow-ties and acetic sports coats, and said exactly what he thought.  Our class was 7:30am Monday mornings.  Instead of dreading the early...

How to Bolster Your Authentic Confidence

Confidence Begins Within Your brain is trained to recognize the absence or presence of confidence as you size up the people you meet.  It is intuitive and primal, and so important to success.  Time and time again in my research for Pivot Point, I found that women...
Assume Positive Intent

Assume Positive Intent

Inclusive leaders assume positive intent.  They believe in others, even when they may not believe in themselves yet. “Most people are good people” Such a simple, yet profound statement when you think about it. In working with business leaders around the country, I...
Good Leaders Tell Good Stories

Good Leaders Tell Good Stories

Inclusive leaders are good storytellers.  They are more effective because people remember stories. I was on a bus tour this week in Gettysburg. As much as I was not looking forward to this activity, I really enjoyed it. In reflecting, I searched for the why. I...